We welcome a man as a Brother regardless of age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, social class or other bias. We require that he pledges himself to the common beliefs of the organization.

Nu Phi Zeta could not operate without our community of supporters. We are always seeking to find like-minded individuals to support us in our mission to live a life of purpose.

Becoming a partner establishes a strategic relationship with your company and Nu Phi Zeta. Partners receive valuable benefits that include connecting partners to our community and helping them succeed.
P.R.I.D.E is the strength of one's success!
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Coverage Area
Arkansas, Alaska, Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Hawaii
Regional Emperor: Trei Howard

Coverage Area
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Regional Emperor: Ramon Chambers

Coverage Area
Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Coverage Area
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Coverage Area
Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Coverage Area
California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions
Simply put, a fraternity is an organization of men that bound together by friendship, aspirations, and common goals. There are many different types of fraternities one can get involved with, whether they are solely based on academic honorary, academic major, community service, religion, ethnicity; or social.
Nu Phi Zeta’s main objective is based on building a better man, while encouraging him to participate in as many other positive organizations that he may choose. More specifically, Nu Phi Zeta looks to provide the opportunity for males to enhance his fellowship circle, leadership skills, scholastic involvement, and service contribution to the local community.
The true answer is: you will get out of it what you put into it. For those who strive, Nu Phi Zeta can: Develop lifelong friendships and brotherhood, Build network of connections, Enhance interpersonal and social skills, Develop leadership abilities and confidence, and Provide opportunities for you to give back to the community.
Candidates must exhibit the qualities of the Fraternity’s Five Principles
Purpose, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, and Education
- 18 years of age or older.
- Have a valid I.D or Drivers License
- A High School Graduate or GED Equivalent.
- Complete an Application for Membership
- Sign all required documents
- Have verifiable community involvement
- 1 Letter of Recommendation
- Pay $25.00 Application FEE
Because the fraternity emphasizes the selection of men of the highest standards, you will be interviewed by the Region Intake Team. Then you will be notified of the results from your application for candidacy.
The health of any organization is dependent upon its individual members to support its collective aim, Nu Phi Zeta is no different. The benefits of membership would not exist without the financial commitment of every member to the organization. The cost of membership yearly is $200, and does not include regional dues. Nu Phi Zeta Fraternity receives financial support for its programs and services for members through fundraising, donations, sponsors, and the Nu Phi Zeta Foundation.
Membership Fees
- Application Fee ($25)
- Initiation Fee ($300, includes 1/2 year of membership dues)
- Membership Fee ($200 Yearly)
What is the Initiation Fee?
The initiation fee is a one-time charge, assessed to the chapter, upon initiation into the Fraternity. This covers the cost of the membership certificate, membership I.D , member’s only tie, line shirt or jacket, and other resources provided to the chapter for pledge education.
What is the Membership Fee?
The Membership Fee are assessed to the chapter on behalf of every member to fund leadership programs, chapter support, and the day-to-day operations of the National Headquarters. The membership fee can be broken into 2 increments of $100.00 or paid in full.
What are Regional Dues?
Regional dues, differ from area to area, but should also be considered as an additional financial obligation when choosing to join the Fraternity. Please note that many regions include the above mentioned fees as a part of their regional dues. Contact your region for more information about their region dues structure.
Pledges go through the intake process (probation) to fulfill their requirements of becoming a brother. It is a term used to differentiate between someone who has attained full membership in the fraternity. It is by no means demeaning. All members, regardless of membership status, work hard to promote the values of fraternity and live up to its standards.
You will learn Nu Phi Zeta’s history, traditions, and values. Pledges will have the opportunity to attend our meetings so you can get familiar with all of the brothers and how our fraternity works. Pledges are encouraged to come out to all our events and participate with us as much as possible. At the end of the pledge period, you are then initiated and become a full member of the fraternity. (…more info available)
Nu Phi Zeta has a maximum 60 day pledge period, but it may be less. You may pledge during either the Spring or Fall seasons, consistent with the policies of the National Headquarters.